2011 (Nov.27) - updated
Dear Friends in Christ,
This coming First Sunday of Advent, 27 November 2011, Roman Catholics in English-speaking countries begin using the revised edition of the Roman Missal.
The complete text was confirmed by the Holy See and the Congregation (Vatican office) granted permission for their use.
The new Roman Missal will be used at English Mass in Myeong Dong Cathedral from First Sunday of Advent (Nov.27)
This revision includes the liturgical norms of the third “typical edition” of the Roman Missal. “Typical edition” means the text is the official version to which all copies and translations are to conform.
With these revisions to the Roman Missal, we have the opportunity to revitalize our understanding of, and participation in, the Mass. The revised Missal enhances the texts of the Mass, better connecting us to Sacred Scripture and making us more aware of the mysteries we celebrate in the liturgy.
Please see the attached file, “The NEW Order of Mass.pdf”.
(Full text: The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed and The Eucharistic Prayer III included.)
If you would like to know more, please visit the ROMAN MISSAL website. (http://www.usccb.org/romanmissal)
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Myeong-Dong English Mass Service Volunteers